Why Is My Washing Machine Smoking and Smells of Burning (7 Common Reasons!)

Imagine the surprise and concern when you enter your laundry room, expecting the familiar hum of your washing machine, only to be greeted by a sight more suited to a horror movie: 

smoke billowing from your appliance, accompanied by the unmistakable scent of burning. 

Don’t panic just yet – this scenario, while alarming, is more common than you might think and typically signals certain issues with your machine. 

In this article, we’ll delve into seven common reasons why your washing machine might be smoking and smelling of burning, and what you can do about it.

Why Is My Washing Machine Smoking and Smells of Burning (Reason+Solution)

Why Is My Washing Machine Smoking and Smells of Burning

1. Overloaded Washing Machine


Overloading your washing machine can lead to severe problems, including smoke and a burning smell

This is because the excess weight creates additional strain on the motor, causing it to overheat. 

When the motor overheats, the electrical components may start to burn, producing smoke and the distinct scent of burning.


The simplest solution to this problem is to avoid overloading your washing machine

It’s important to distribute the clothing evenly and stick to the recommended load size for your specific model. 

If your machine is already showing signs of smoking or a burning smell, immediately turn it off and unplug it

In this scenario, it’s advised to contact a professional technician for a proper check-up to avoid further damage or potential fire hazards.

2. Worn-out Drive Belt


A worn-out drive belt can cause your washing machine to smoke due to increased friction. 

The belt, which is responsible for spinning the drum, can wear down over time and become thin or break, leading to excessive friction. 

This friction can generate heat, causing smoke and a burning smell.


The solution to a worn-out drive belt is its replacement. This task should be performed by a qualified technician to ensure that the belt is correctly sized and installed. 

Regular maintenance and inspection of your washing machine can also prevent such issues from arising, enhancing the lifespan and performance of the appliance.

3. Overheated Motor


An overheated motor is another common reason your washing machine might be smoking. The motor can become overheated if the appliance is being overworked. 

This usually happens if you are washing very large loads of laundry or if you are using the machine continuously for a long period of time. 

Overheating can cause the motor to smoke and emit a burning smell.


To rectify this issue, limit the size of your laundry loads and allow your washing machine to rest between uses.

It’s also important to ensure that the machine is well-ventilated. If the problem persists, you may need to replace the motor. 

Consult a professional if you’re unsure. Remember: safety first.

3. Faulty Motor


A faulty motor can be a possible cause for your washing machine smoking and producing a burning smell. 

Over time, motors can wear out or become overworked, causing them to overheat. This overheating can produce smoke and a strong burning odor.


The solution to a faulty motor is typically replacement

It’s highly recommended to hire a professional for this task, as improper installation can lead to further problems or even potential safety hazards. 

4. Blocked Drain Pump


A blocked drain pump is another common culprit when your washing machine starts smoking or emits a burning smell. 

Debris trapped in the pump such as coins, hairpins, or even small pieces of clothing, can cause the pump to work overtime. 

This results in overheating, which produces smoke and a burning smell.


The solution for a blocked drain pump is meticulous cleaning

Disconnect the washing machine from the power source, then access and carefully inspect the pump for any obstructions. 

Remove any found debris and clean the pump thoroughly. In cases where the pump has been significantly damaged due to overheating, it may need to be replaced. 

Always remember to consult with a professional if you’re unsure about performing these tasks yourself.

5. Trapped Piece of Clothing


A common cause for a smoking and burning smell in a washing machine is a trapped piece of clothing in the machine’s drum or between the drum and the rubber gaskets. 

This trapped item can generate significant friction against the drum during the spin cycle, causing it to overheat, smoke, and emit a burning smell.


The best solution is to stop the wash cycle immediately, unplug the machine, and manually check for any trapped clothing. 

Carefully inspect the area between the drum and the rubber gaskets, removing any found items. 

If you cannot access or see any trapped clothing, it may be best to call a professional to avoid further damage to the machine.

6. Damaged Wiring


The smoke and burning smell from your washing machine could be due to damaged wiring. 

Over time, the wiring of your machine can deteriorate or become loose, leading to frayed wires that create excessive heat and smoke when the machine is running.


If you suspect that damaged wiring is causing the problem, the recommended solution is to seek professional help

Tampering with electrical components can be dangerous if not handled properly. 

A qualified technician can safely inspect and repair damaged wires, restoring your washing machine’s functionality and safety.

7. Use of Wrong Detergent


The use of the wrong detergent can cause your washing machine to smoke and smell of burning. 

Detergents that are not specifically designed for washing machines can create too many suds, leading to overheating and possibly resulting in a smoky smell.


To resolve this issue, switch to a detergent specifically formulated for washing machines

Not only will this prevent excessive suds and overheating, but it will also ensure that your clothes are cleaned effectively. 

Always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for detergent use to maintain the optimal performance of your washing machine.


A smoking washing machine can be a cause for concern, indicating the possibility of a major malfunction or a potential fire hazard. 

The burning smell typically stems from an overheated motor, a failing belt, or a problem with the electrical wiring. It is crucial not to ignore these signs. 

Turn off the appliance immediately and disconnect it from the power supply. Always consider seeking professional help to diagnose and repair the issue. 

Regular maintenance and early detection of issues are key to prolonging the life of your washing machine and ensuring its safe operation.


Can overloading a washing machine cause a burning smell? 

Yes, overloading can strain the motor, causing it to overheat and emit a burning smell.

What would cause a washing machine to smell bad? 

Bacteria, mildew, and stagnant water in the washer drum are common causes of unpleasant odors.

What to do when your washer smells like a sewer? 

Clean your washing machine thoroughly, paying special attention to the drain pump, seals, and detergent drawer.

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