15 Common Reasons Samsung Washer Making Clicking Noise When Spinning

If your Samsung washer is making a clicking noise when spinning, rest assured, you are not alone. Many Samsung washer users have reported this issue. 

The noise can be disconcerting and may even make you worried about potential damage to the machine. 

This guide is here to help you understand the 15 most common reasons that may cause your Samsung washing machine to make clicking noises during the spin cycle. 

Samsung Washer Making Clicking Noise When Spinning

Faulty Drum Bearing


The drum bearing supports the rear of the washing drum, and when it becomes defective due to wear and tear, it can make a loud noise, much like a clicking sound, during spin cycles. 

This problem is common in washers with a significant amount of use.

“Bearings wear out over time and excessive usage, leading to a loud clicking sound during the wash cycle.”


To rectify the issue, the faulty bearing must be replaced. 

Only a qualified technician should undertake this task, as it involves disassembling several parts of the washer to access the bearing.

“Replacement of the drum bearing is a technical job and should be performed by a professional to ensure the longevity and proper function of your Samsung washer.”

Loose Motor Coupling


Loose motor coupling arises typically due to improper installation, prolonged usage, or inadequate maintenance. 

This mechanical failure leads to inefficient transmission of power between the motor and the machine, potentially causing significant operational disruptions. 

Loose motor coupling can seriously hamper the productivity of the machine and its overall life span. It’s imperative to diagnose this problem early to avoid costly repairs.


The solution to loose motor coupling lies primarily in regular and thorough maintenance checks. This routine ensures any signs of wear and tear are detected and addressed promptly. 

It’s recommended to replace the coupling if it shows signs of excessive wear or looseness. 

Use of quality, compatible parts during replacement is crucial for optimal performance. Regular maintenance and timely replacement are key to long-term machine health and productivity.

Unbalanced Load


An unbalanced load typically arises when the weight or volume of items in a machine, such as a washing machine or a dryer, is not evenly distributed. 

This disparity in distribution can cause erratic movements, excessive noise, and even damage to the machine over time. 

This issue is more commonly seen when large, bulky items are washed or dried in machines not designed to handle such loads.


The solution to an unbalanced load lies in accurately sorting and loading your items. For instance, ensure similar-weight items are grouped together for each wash or dry cycle. 

Another useful tip is to balance large items with smaller ones to maintain an even distribution. 

In the case of large, bulky items, consider using commercial laundry services to prevent damage to your domestic machines. 

Always remember that taking care of your appliances now can prevent expensive repairs later.

Drain Pump Issues


The issue with the drain pump could stem from various causes. Commonly, an obstruction in the pump might be the culprit, leading to inefficient draining

Other possible causes include a worn-out pump motor or a malfunctioning pump impeller.


To tackle this problem effectively, first, check for any obstructions in the pump and remove them. If the issue persists, the pump motor or impeller might need examination. 

In such cases, it’s advisable to get a professional to inspect and potentially replace these parts to ensure your drain pump returns to optimal functioning.

Impeller Blade Damage

Causes of Impeller Blade Damage

Impeller blade damage is typically the result of exposure to corrosive substances, or physical impact due to foreign objects. 

Over time, the continuous exposure to aggressive fluids can lead to the corrosion of the impeller blade. 

Moreover, the ingestion of solid particles or debris can inflict physical damage, causing cracks or dents on the blade.

Solutions for Impeller Blade Damage

To prevent impeller blade damage, it’s crucial to use materials resistant to the type of fluid being pumped. 

Regular inspection and maintenance of the pump system also play a significant role in identifying early signs of damage. 

If damage is detected, it’s generally recommended to replace the impeller blade completely, as attempting to repair a damaged blade may lead to further issues down the line.

Broken Spider Arm


The “Broken Spider Arm” typically results from excessive load or stress, often due to inappropriate use or overuse. 

This is a common issue in heavy machinery where spider arms, crucial for load distribution, are subjected to substantial stress. 

Overloading and improper maintenance are primary contributors to this problem.


The best solution to a “Broken Spider Arm” is prompt and professional repair or, in extreme cases, replacement. 

It’s crucial to consult with a qualified professional to assess the damage and suggest the best course of action. 

Regular inspections and proper usage can often prevent such issues, emphasizing the importance of preventative maintenance in machinery.

Worn Out Drive Belt


A worn-out drive belt – a common issue seen in many mechanical devices – is often the result of prolonged use, wear and tear. 

This tends to result in the belt losing its grip, which in turn, compromises the overall functionality of the device it’s connected to. 

This can lead to inefficiency, abnormal noises, or even a complete halt in operation.


The solution to a worn-out drive belt is a straightforward replacement. It’s recommended to procure a new belt that matches the exact specifications of the original. 

Regular inspection and maintenance can also prolong the life of the drive belt and prevent premature wear and tear. 

Remember, a well-maintained machine not only runs efficiently but also ensures longevity and optimal performance.

Key Takeaway: Regular inspection and maintenance can save costly repairs and downtime. 

A worn-out drive belt should be replaced promptly to prevent further damage. A well-maintained machine ensures optimal performance.

Agitator Directional Cogs Damage


Agitator directional cogs, also known as agitator dogs, are a crucial component of the washing machine. 

These small, plastic pieces allow the agitator to rotate in one direction and lock in the opposite direction. 

Damage to these cogs typically results from overloading the washer or frequent use over time. 

Overloading can strain the cogs, making them wear out prematurely, while regular use can naturally degrade them over time.


The solution to damaged agitator directional cogs is relatively straightforward – replacement of the worn-out cogs. First, disassemble the upper part of the agitator to reach the cogs. 

After removing the damaged cogs, install the new ones and reassemble the agitator. 

Always remember to avoid overloading the washing machine to lengthen the lifespan of your newly installed cogs and ensure efficient operation. 

Regular inspections are also recommended to catch any signs of wear and tear early.

Loose Tub Nut


A loose tub nut, a common issue in plumbing, occurs when the nut that secures the drain to the bottom of the bathtub becomes loose. 

This could be due to faulty installation, regular wear and tear over time, or the lack of sufficient adhesive when initially installed.


To remedy a loose tub nut, it is paramount to first ensure the tub is empty and dry. Then using a pair of pliers, tighten the nut until it is secure again. 

If the nut refuses to tighten or remains loose, it may need to be replaced. In this case, removing the old nut with a tub drain remover or a dumbbell wrench and installing a new one is recommended. 

Ensure the new nut is coated with plumber’s putty before installation for a secure fit. Please consider reaching out to a professional plumber if the issue persists.

Damaged Drive Block


The occurrence of a “Damaged Drive Block” is typically linked to physical imperfections on the hard drive’s magnetic layer. 

These imperfections, or “bad sectors”, can be a product of physical damage, prolonged use, or even manufacturing defects. 

It is essential to know that these can lead to data corruption or loss, impeding the overall functionality of the drive.


Addressing a “Damaged Drive Block” involves a two-step process: detection and repair. 

Initial detection can be achieved through built-in utilities in your operating system, which scan the drive for bad sectors. 

For the repair process, disk repair tools are available which attempt to salvage information from the bad sectors and move it to a safer location on the drive. 

However, consistent occurrence of damaged drive blocks can be symptomatic of a failing drive, and in such cases, it is recommended to backup all valuable data and consider replacing the drive. Remember, regular backups can save you from unexpected data loss.

Impaired Shock Absorber


The impairment of a vehicle’s shock absorber is often due to prolonged use, poor road conditions, or an accident. 

This impairment can significantly affect the car’s handling and braking, making it less safe to operate.


To rectify an impaired shock absorber, it’s essential to have it inspected and replaced by a professional mechanic. 

Regular maintenance can also prevent this issue, improving the overall lifespan of your vehicle’s suspension system. 

Remember, a smooth ride isn’t just about comfort; it’s also about safety.

Snapped Suspension Spring


A snapped suspension spring typically results from extended use, poor maintenance, or the strain of carrying heavy loads. 

The suspension springs, designed to absorb impact and ensure a smooth ride, can fail under these excessive stresses. 

The metal’s degradation over time, coupled with harsh road conditions, can also lead to this unfortunate circumstance.

Remember, regular inspection and maintenance can significantly prolong the life of your suspension springs.


Once a suspension spring snaps, the only viable solution is replacement. 

Seeking professional help is advised, as the process of replacing a suspension spring involves specialized tools and knowledge.

Avoid driving your vehicle with a broken suspension spring— it can lead to serious accidents. Always prioritize safety and consult with a professional mechanic immediately.

Defective Door Lock


The primary cause of a defective door lock might trace back to various reasons such as general wear and tear, misaligned door latch, or a broken key in the lock. 

A frequent use of the door lock over time can cause its internal mechanics to degrade, resulting in a faulty door lock. 

Similarly, a misaligned door latch can lead to difficulty in locking and unlocking. Lastly, a broken key in the lock can cause it to jam, making it defective.


The solution to a defective door lock depends on the root cause. If there’s a misalignment issue, adjusting the strike plate can solve the problem. 

In case of degradation due to wear and tear, a complete lock replacement may be necessary. If a key is broken inside the lock, a locksmith can extract the broken piece professionally. 

Always consult with a professional locksmith before attempting any repairs yourself to ensure safety and prevent further damage.

Broken Stabilizer


The cause of a broken stabilizer link is usually due to excessive wear and tear or harsh driving conditions. 

Over time, the link can deteriorate and eventually snap, leading to a noticeable decrease in handling performance. 

Potholes, off-road driving, or accidents can also cause immediate breakage.


To resolve the issue, the broken stabilizer link must be replaced. This is a job that requires the skills of a professional mechanic. 

It’s important not to ignore a broken stabilizer link as it can lead to other more serious vehicle problems. 

Regularly servicing your vehicle, and addressing any issues as soon as they arise, is the most effective way to prevent breakdowns and expensive repairs.

Malfunctioning Rotor Assembly


The most common cause of a malfunctioning rotor assembly is often due to wear and tear caused by continuous operation. 

Other factors such as improper installation or the use of incorrect parts can also lead to issues. 

In certain scenarios, environmental conditions like extreme heat or cold can contribute to the malfunction.


The solution involves a comprehensive inspection and replacement of worn-out parts. Remember to use only approved replacement parts to ensure compatibility and durability. 

If environmental conditions are a factor, consider implementing protective measures or relocating the machinery to a more suitable location. 

Preventive maintenance is key to avoiding such malfunctions.


In conclusion, the evidence presented throughout this document paints a clear and compelling picture. 

It is our hope that the information provided has been both informative and trustworthy, offering a solid basis upon which you can make educated decisions. 

We have endeavored to present an accurate and thorough exploration of the topic, incorporating both broad perspectives and intricate details. 

And while much has been discussed, it’s essential to remember that continued learning and open dialogue are vital in this ever-evolving environment. 

We invite you to continue this journey of discovery and understanding, confident in the knowledge that you are well-equipped to navigate the complexities ahead.


Why is my washing machine clicking while spinning?

This might be due to a foreign object lodged in the drum or an issue with the motor coupler.

How do I reset my Samsung washer?

Unplug your washer for about 5 minutes and then plug it back in, this should reset your Samsung washer.

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The clicking sound could be due to a faulty start switch or a problem with the thermal fuse.

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