10 Common Reasons Kenmore Washing Machine Not Agitating

Hi dear friends welcome to our blog. If your Kenmore Washing Machine Not Agitating.

So Don’t worry this is a common issue. 

In this guide, we explain 10 common reasons for this problem with unique solutions. So let’s start now.

Kenmore Washing Machine Not Agitating

10 Common Reasons Kenmore Washing Machine Not Agitating

1. Faulty Agitator Assembly


A common issue that prevents the Kenmore washing machine from agitating is a faulty agitator assembly. 

The agitator assembly is the component of the washing machine that moves the clothes around during the wash cycle. 

If the agitator is not moving, it could be due to worn-out directional cogs (also known as “dog ears”) or a damaged agitator assembly.

Key Point: Worn-out directional cogs or a damaged agitator assembly can cause the machine to stop agitating.


To solve this issue, you will need to check the agitator assembly and the directional cogs. If the directional cogs are worn out, they will need to be replaced. 

If the agitator assembly is damaged, it may need to be replaced as well. Always unplug the washing machine and turn off the water supply before attempting to fix the issue.

Key Point: Check the agitator assembly and directional cogs, and replace if necessary. Always unplug the washing machine and turn off the water supply before attempting any repairs.

2. Broken Drive Belt


Another prevailing reason behind the Kenmore washing machine not agitating could be a broken drive belt

The drive belt is a critical component that transfers power from the motor to the agitator. Over time, this belt can wear out or break, impeding the machine’s ability to agitate effectively.

Key Point: A worn-out or broken drive belt hampers the transfer of power from the motor to the agitator, causing the machine to stop agitating.


Addressing a broken drive belt involves inspecting the belt for signs of wear or damage. If the belt is indeed broken or worn out, it will need to be replaced. 

Replacement should be done by a qualified professional or those comfortable with machine repairs. 

Remember, safety is paramount – always disconnect the washing machine from the power source before initiating any repair work.

Key Point: Inspect the drive belt for wear or damage and replace it if necessary. 

Repairs should be carried out by a qualified professional or those confident with machine repairs. Always disconnect the power before beginning any repair work.

3. Defective Lid Switch


A defective lid switch is another possible culprit for your Kenmore washing machine not agitating. 

The lid switch is a safety feature designed to prevent the washer from operating when the lid is open. If the switch is defective, the machine may mistakenly believe the lid is open and, thus, refuse to agitate.

Key Point: The lid switch prevents the machine from operating when it’s open. If the switch is defective, the machine may stop agitating.


If the lid switch is suspected to be the issue, it will need to be tested – this can often be done using a multimeter. 

If the switch is indeed defective, it will need to be replaced. 

Replacing the lid switch is a technical task and, unless you’re comfortable with washing machine repairs, it’s recommended to enlist the help of a professional. 

Always ensure the machine is unplugged from the power source before attempting any repairs.

Key Point: Test the lid switch and replace if defective. Seek professional help if needed. Always disconnect the power before beginning any repairs.

4. Damaged Motor Coupling


One of the potential reasons for a Kenmore washing machine failing to agitate could be a damaged motor coupling

The motor coupling connects the motor to the washing machine transmission. If it’s damaged or broken, the machine may not agitate as it should.

Key Point: The motor coupling acts as a link between the motor and the washing machine transmission. If damaged, it can lead to the machine not agitating properly.


To rectify a problem caused by a damaged motor coupling, it’s necessary to inspect and, if required, replace the coupling. This is a task that requires some technical knowledge. If you are unsure of how to proceed, please consult with a professional. As with all repairs, ensure the washing machine is unplugged from the power source before you start.

Key Point: Inspect and replace the motor coupling if damaged. Engage a professional if needed. Always unplug the washing machine before attempting any repairs.

5. Worn Out Drive Block


The worn-out drive block could pose a significant issue leading to your Kenmore washing machine failing to agitate. 

The drive block is the connecting link between the agitator and the transmission shaft, enabling the agitator’s movement during the wash cycle. 

Over time and with continuous usage, the drive block can wear out or corrode, leading to a lack of necessary friction for the agitator to move properly.

Key Point: The drive block connects the agitator to the transmission shaft. If worn out or corroded, it can prevent the washer from agitating effectively.


Rectifying a worn-out drive block involves inspecting the block for any signs of wear and tear or corrosion. 

If it appears worn out, it will need to be replaced to restore the machine’s ability to agitate. 

Replacing a drive block is a technical task, and unless you’re comfortable with performing such repairs, it’s recommended to seek professional help. 

Safety should be your primary concern, so always disconnect the washing machine from the power source before initiating the repair.

Key Point: Inspect the drive block for wear and tear, and replace if necessary. 

For technical tasks like this, professional help is advised. Always disconnect the power before starting any repairs.

6. Failed Transmission


The failed transmission can be a significant factor in your Kenmore washing machine not agitating. 

Essentially, the transmission provides the necessary motion to the agitator to perform its function during the wash cycle. 

If the transmission fails or experiences any issues, it disrupts this key process, leading to the washer failing to agitate effectively.

Key Point: The transmission is vital to providing movement to the agitator during the wash cycle. If the transmission fails, it disrupts this process, causing the washer to not agitate.


Addressing a failed transmission is not a straightforward task. It requires expertise to accurately diagnose and rectify, and in many cases, the transmission may need to be replaced. 

Given the complexity and cost associated with this repair, it’s recommended to consult with a professional before proceeding. 

As always, safety is paramount, so ensure the washing machine is unplanned from the power source before starting any repair work.

Key Point: Diagnosis and repair of a failed transmission require expertise and may involve replacement. 

Professional consultation is recommended due to the complexity and cost of this repair. Always unplug the washing machine before initiating repairs.

Washed Load Imbalance


A washed load imbalance can often be the reason for your Kenmore washing machine not agitating properly. This imbalance can occur when the load of clothes inside the machine is not evenly dispersed, causing the machine to be off-balance, and thus, hampering the agitator’s movement.

Key Point: Dispersed load imbalance in the machine can cause it to be off-balance and interrupt the agitator’s movement.


To resolve the issue of washed load imbalance, it’s essential to rearrange the clothes inside the machine, ensuring an even distribution. 

This might seem like a simple solution, but it can often rectify the problem and restore the machine’s functionality. 

However, if the issue persists, it may be advisable to seek professional help. Always unplug the washing machine before attempting to rearrange the clothes.

Key Point: Rearrange the clothes for an even distribution. Seek professional help if the problem persists. Always unplug the machine before rearranging the clothes.

7. Worn Out Agitator Dogs


A common issue causing a Kenmore washing machine not to agitate properly could be due to worn-out agitator dogs

These small yet pivotal components help grip the agitator, allowing it to rotate in one direction and not the other. 

Over time, these agitator dogs can wear out or break, preventing the agitator from functioning as intended, thus leading to ineffective agitation.

Key Point: Agitator dogs allow the agitator to rotate in one direction. If worn out or broken, they can inhibit the agitator’s function, leading to inadequate agitation.


Addressing the issue of worn-out agitator dogs involves first inspecting these parts for wear and tear. If they appear worn out or broken, they will need to be replaced. 

This task, while not overly complex, requires a level of technical skill and the correct replacement parts. If you’re unsure, it may be best to seek professional help. 

Remember, as a safety measure, always unplug the washing machine from the power source before initiating repairs.

Key Point: Inspect the agitator dogs for wear and tear and replace if necessary. If unsure, consider professional assistance. Always unplug the machine before initiating any repairs.

8. Inadequate Water Level


An inadequate water level can be a significant factor causing the Kenmore washing machine not to agitate properly. 

The machine’s agitator requires a certain amount of water to operate efficiently, ensuring the clothes are effectively washed. 

If the water level is too low, it can hinder the agitator’s movement and thus, the overall performance of the washing machine.

Key Point: The agitator requires a certain water level to operate effectively. If the water level is too low, it can hinder the agitator’s performance.


Resolving an issue of inadequate water level involves checking the water level during the fill cycle. 

If the level appears too low, you could manually put the machine on a higher water level setting. 

If the machine still doesn’t reach the correct water level, there could be an issue with the water level switch, and it may need to be replaced. 

This task requires technical expertise, so seeking professional help is advisable. As with any repair, always unplug the washing machine from the power source before initiating any work.

Key Point: Check the water level during the fill cycle and adjust if necessary. 

If the issue persists, the water level switch may need to be replaced. Always disconnect the power before initiating any repairs.

9. Malfunctioned Washer Timer


A malfunctioned washer timer can significantly contribute to your Kenmore washing machine not agitating properly. 

The washer timer is a crucial component that controls most of the functions within the machine, including the duration of the wash cycles and the activation and deactivation of the agitator. 

If the timer malfunctions, these regulated operations can be disrupted, leading to an inadequately agitating machine.

Key Point: The washer timer controls most of the functions within the machine. If it malfunctions, it can disrupt the wash cycles and hinder the agitator’s performance.


Addressing a malfunctioned washer timer involves diagnosing the issue, which can be complex due to the intricate nature of the timer’s function. 

It’s recommended to consult with an appliance repair professional who can accurately diagnose and fix the problem. 

In most cases, a malfunctioning timer will have to be replaced. As always with any repairs, it is essential to disconnect the washing machine from the power source for safety.

Key Point: Diagnosing a malfunctioned washer timer requires professional consultation. Most likely, the timer needs to be replaced. Always unplug the machine before initiating any repairs.


Various factors can contribute to a Kenmore washing machine not agitating properly, including washed load imbalance, worn-out agitator dogs, inadequate water levels, and a malfunctioned washer timer. 

Each issue has its own distinct cause, with solutions ranging from simple rearrangements of clothing to more complex part replacements. The key is to accurately diagnose the problem and then take appropriate action. 

In many cases, this might require professional help. Regardless of the issue, safety should be a top priority, so always ensure the washing machine is unplugged before initiating any repairs.

 Understanding these common issues and their solutions can help maintain the efficiency and longevity of your appliance.


Why is my washer not agitating?

Your washer may not be agitating due to issues such as an imbalance of clothes, worn-out agitator dogs, a malfunctioned washer timer, or an inadequate water level.

Why is the agitator not working on my Kenmore washer?

The agitator may not be working on your Kenmore washer due to worn-out agitator dogs that allow the agitator to rotate in one direction.

Why does my washing machine spin but won’t agitate?

Your washing machine might be spinning but not agitating due to a malfunctioned washer timer, which controls the activation and deactivation of the agitator.

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